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Mats, Pads, & Coasters

Made in America from recycled neoprene and wetsuit scraps. Protect your glass with our East Coasters glass mats!

Tank Dog Mat
Gnarfield Mat
Mr. Melty Pipe Dream
Brick x East Coasters Midnight Gospel "Get Drippy" Mat
UV Reactive Dan Skeze Buddha Dab Mat
mushies of life.jpg
Chantel Benedict Mushies Of Life
Chantel Benedict - Mushroom
veil lifter.jpg
Veil Lifter
The Dab Lab - Puffer Fish
Papa Mush
celestial jerry dabmat.jpg
Celestial Jerry
acid boy.jpg
Acid Boy
cat dirty.jpg
Battle Rattle
Sold Out
jimbo phillips snack time.jpg
Jimbo Phillips Snack Time
jimbo phillips rasta skull.jpg
Jimbo Phillips Rasta Skull
jimbo phillips vein skull.jpg
Jimbo Phillips Vein Skull
jimbo octo.jpg
Jimbo Phillips Octo
Jimbo Phillips Cycloptopus
psycho skull.jpg
Dirk Hays Psycho Skull
dirk hays ccc.jpg
Dirk Hays Cosmic Corn Creep
mutant cyclops.jpg
Dirk Hays Mutant Cyclops
Heady Mafia x East Coasters - Badfish
killer acid desert spirit.jpg
Killer Acid Desert Spirit
Killer acid tea head.jpg
Killer Acid Tea Head
rise n shine.jpg
Killer Acid x East Coasters Rise and Shine
KA Road Trip.jpg
Killer Acid x East Coasters Road Trip Mat
Curated Flame Ned
Curated Flame Melty.jpg
Curated Flame Mr. Melty
cole hazard purple.jpg
Cole Hazard x East Coasters: Canna Culture
king of the tabs.jpg
King of the Tabs
wu krang.jpg
Wu Krang
ayascha man.jpg
KE Visuals x East Coasters - Ayascha Man
lost levels.jpg
The Lost Levels
space cow.jpg
Space Cow
natey love.jpg
Rainbow Love
Mr melty brain.jpg
Mr. Melty Brain
Mr Melty.jpg
Mr. Melty x East Coasters
dali clock 420.jpg
Dali Clock Dab Mat Set to 7:10 or 4:20
Tropical Skull.jpg
Tropical Skull
DC sugar skull.jpg
Die Cut Sugar Skull East Coasters Dab Mat
from $25.00
rubicks cube.jpg
Melted Rubik's Cube East Coaster
Witch Dr.jpg
East Coasters Witch Dr Dab Mat - Artwork by Ryan Gardell
DC Hamsa.jpg
Die Cut Hamsa
Save the Bears.jpg
Save the Bears EastCoaster
Save The Turtles.jpeg
Save the Sea Turtles Coaster
DC Fun Guy.jpg
Die Cut Fun Guy
Oxy Glass
melt your face.jpg
Melt Your Face Mat
Jerry Dabmat.jpg
Jerry Garcia Mats and Coasters
from $5.00
hand rose wreath.jpg
Jerry Garcia Hand Rose Wreath
from $5.00